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Battle of the Beliefs: Biblical Mindset vs Manifesting Money

What’s the difference between a Biblical money mindset and manifesting money

So many Christian female entrepreneurs don’t want to have anything to do with manifesting money… but they aren’t entirely sure what the Bible says about this. 

I know you want to have a Biblical foundation for your money and that’s really important to you. 

So in today’s video, I want to put manifesting money and what the Bible says about money side by side.  

I’ll show you the differences between them and a couple of surprising things I’ve discovered in the Word of God about manifesting money. 

I’m going to step on some toes at the very end of this video, with my final point.

What does manifest really mean?

The dictionary definition says manifest is to “display or show (a quality or feeling) by one’s acts or appearance; to be evidence of; prove, or appear.” 

The majority of the time manifest appears in the Bible, it’s talking about Jesus being manifested as a real person, a visible, physical being who walked on earth among us. 

It was through Jesus’ life that God’s Word, God’s love, God’s name, God’s glory, and the Holy Spirit was made evident and clearly shown

While the Bible also talks about our works and things that are secret are made manifest, brought into the light, and clearly shown, there’s nothing that talks about manifesting money.

Source That Creates Money

Manifesting money uses the power of your mind, visualization, and positive intentions to create money. 

You are the one who decides that you want more money, so you speak it and visualize it. You call it into existence and have the universe align with your desires. 

You are the source of this money and it’s all your thoughts that bring extra money to you. 

This is a very you-centric view. 

When you have a Biblical view of money, you understand that God created money (in Genesis 2) and He has given us the power to create wealth Deut 8:18

That power to create wealth comes from partnering with God to serve others and make the world a better place through business, where money is exchanged as a token of gratitude

There are actions you must take to serve someone else that creates wealth. 

We can also have the confidence to come boldly and ask our Daddy God for things we need and even want. 

Stick around to the end, because when it comes to visualization, as Christians I think we’ve got a lot to learn from those who manifest money.

Who Gets The Credit?

Who gets the credit for the increase in money? 

When you’re manifesting, you claim credit or give credit to the universe, when you find money on the ground or a big client comes through. 

The universe? 

However, as Christians, we believe in the almighty God who created the universe and that He is the source of money.

He created it. He owns it all. He is the one who has provided it for you. 

He’s a good Father who delights in giving good gifts and prospering His children so that they might know His generosity and be a blessing to others. 

Give a thumbs up if this is resonating with you! 

Basis for Receiving Money

Because manifesting money is so focused on you and your desires, the basis for receiving money is that you’re a good person and you deserve money. 

You deserve all good things in your life, especially after everything you’ve gone through. 

When you truly understand how much God delights in you and that you are His beloved daughter, you have access to everything He has promised and all His riches. 

You receive all these good things, including more money,  based on who you are, a beloved daughter of God, under the watch and care of our Shepherd who loves us. 

It’s not a subjective view of how good you were/are which can change from day to day, and who is determining what ‘good’ is. Right?  

Speaking of good things, you might be surprised to hear what I have to say about replacing our negative thoughts with positive ones and how that relates to money. 

We’ll get to that in just a minute. 

It’s because of who we are, that we have full access to the wealth He gives, and with the wealth comes a responsibility

You have the responsibility to continue to serve others and make their lives better, through your business.

Wise stewardship and management of all the financial blessings

Wise stewardship and management of all the financial blessings reflect God’s purposes for how money is to be used. 

Serve others with your business, provide for your family, manage wisely, save for the future, live without debt, invest, and increase the wealth you have…in order to be extremely generous. 

All of this reflects God’s goodness and generosity. It reflects His light to a dark and hurting world, drawing others to know Him. 

Negative vs positive thinking

One of the key principles in manifesting is getting rid of all the negative thoughts and vibrations, in order to replace them with positive thoughts. 

When your mind is filled with positive thoughts, then the universe aligns with your desires and begins to bring you so much money, right? 

That’s not far off from the truth. We’re called to take every thought captive in obedience to Christ. 

To focus on all the things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, excellent, or praiseworthy. 

Your mind is a battlefield, because if your enemy can get you to spiral out with negative thoughts, with guilt, shame, fear, and doubt…

How you reflect God in the life you live, how you run your business, and your legacy of impact and generosity will all be a mere shadow of what it could be. 

It’s only when you know the truth of the Word of God and you make the choice to believe this truth, that you are able to break free from these strongholds in your mind. 

You can have a mind of abundance instead of one of scarcity


Visualize your dreams coming true in vivid detail. 

Write it down 100 times a day like it actually happened and how you feel/are when it does happen. 

Visualization is a major component for those who are manifesting money. 

What if we are completely wrong? 

Anytime God talks about redemption and blessing, He goes into vivid detail when describing it.

Amos 9:13-15

“Behold the days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when the plowman will overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes, the sower of seed. The mountains will drip with sweet wine, with which all the hills will flow. I will restore my people Israel from captivity, they will rebuild and inhabit the ruined cities. They will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will make gardens and eat their fruit.” 

He wants us to see, feel, and experience His promised blessings so tangibly that we can have a foundation for a strong belief in His goodness that walks out in obedience and action to see these promises come to pass. 

Asking for what we want, and thanking God for providing those gifts, or something better, as we take action in faith and obedience to partner with God to bring them about is a great attitude to have. 

Yet most of us focus so much on the struggle or on the fact we don’t have what we desire, continuing to wallow in all the negative thoughts that we miss the blessings altogether and don’t take any action to claim them. 

While there are a few aspects to manifesting money that is based on Biblical truth, most don’t sit right with our spirits for good reason.

Do you whole-heartly believe God’s truth about money and wealth?

However, the real question is, as a Christian do you whole-heartly believe God’s truth about money and wealth? Enough to take action in order to receive His promised abundance? 

Now you know the difference between manifesting money and what the Bible says, let’s see the incredible transformation you’ll experience when you truly believe God’s truth about money, watch this video next.  

Ready To Know God's Key To Money?

Discover the ‘Missing Piece’ from other money mindset work, the Powerful Benefit of Scripture Based Money Mindset Coaching so that you can understand God’s key to money, make peace with money and get powerful mindset breakthroughs quickly that will allow you to get rid of all the old money fear, shame or guilt that you’ve struggled with for decades. 

What this means is you will have the step-by-step Holy-Spirit led support to guide you in making 3% shifts in your beliefs about money, wealth and business so that you begin to multiply your legacy and impact in ways that reflect God’s goodness and generosity within a couple of weeks! 

You deserve to have a massive legacy that impacts multitudes and reflects God’s generosity, and if you’re tired of struggling with the old money fear, shame and guilt or being crushed under the weight of other people’s judgment + criticism about you, your business, and the way you manage money.

Becoming a Legacy Builder Method is designed with encouraging, supportive and authentic coaching that empowers you with proven Biblical tools and strategies so that you can overcome every obstacle and immediately implement what you learn into shifting your mindset. 

When you’re ready to shorten the time it takes to shift your money beliefs, there are a couple ways I can serve you. 

The first option is inside my Becoming a Legacy Builder program, which is the #1 Scripture-based Money Mindset Coaching program for ambitious Christian female entrepreneurs. This will equip you with complete confidence around money and business so you can serve multitudes of grateful clients and create a massive legacy of generosity in ways that reflect God’s goodness! 

The second way is with VIP Money Mindset 1:1 Coaching. This is a great option for you if you want to be truly known by your coach and get a custom plan with personalized guidance on the step-by-step process to shift your money beliefs.  

Becoming a Legacy Builder Method is designed with encouraging, supportive and authentic coaching that empower you with proven Biblical tools and strategies so that you can overcome every obstacle and immediately implement what you learn into shifting your mindset. 

1 Quick tip to embracing abundance in your business even if you don’t feel worthy

Want to have your programs and services sell out within a couple of hours and so much revenue in your business you feel like you’re swimming in money?

But most importantly, do you want to be able to receive all this abundance with the excitement of a three-year old opening up a mound of birthday presents?

If you’ve ever felt unworthy as a Christian woman to receive abundance in your business, you’re not alone.

I’m going to share one quick tip to help you knock down unworthiness like a pesky fly and receive abundance with grace.

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The Easiest Way to Shift Your Mindset Around Money and Abundance as a Christian Female Entrepreneur

Want to shift your money mindset out of scarcity and into abundance quickly?

But want to do it in a way that is based on Biblical truth?

Then you’re in the right place!

I’m going to show you the easiest way that you can shift your mindset around money and abundance without any woo woo manifesting.

This is a powerful and highly effective method, it works almost instantly, but so many Christian female entrepreneurs don’t know about it.

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Unveiling the Truth: Prosperity Gospel vs. The Bible – Empowering Christian Women Entrepreneurs

No more playing small, Christian female business owners! If you’re sick and tired of being fed false promises from the prosperity gospel, brace yourself as we lay out some key principles of the prosperity gospel next to Biblical truth.

If you ever found yourself held back by negative beliefs surrounding wealth and success…

The kind of beliefs that make you feel guilty or fearful of pursuing financial abundance because you don’t want anything to do with a prosperity gospel, then this is the video for you!

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The Legacy of Impact: Building a Flourishing Business with Generosity

Do you have problems with building a flourishing business + a legacy of impact and generosity? Well I’ve found the perfect solution.
You’re definitely not the problem and once you identify the problem, follow a simple framework… which I’ll walk you through in today’s video.

It’s super easy to get past the barriers keeping you from creating that legacy of impact through a flourishing business.

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Charissa Quade

Charissa Quade

I equip Ambitious Christian Female Entrepreneurs to create prosperous lives, serve multitudes of grateful clients and create a massive legacy that reflects God's goodness, all by partnering with the Word of God and shifting their money beliefs.

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hi! I'm Charissa!

I equip Ambitious Christian Female Entrepreneurs to create prosperous lives, serve multitudes of grateful clients and create a massive legacy that reflects God’s goodness, all by partnering with the Word of God and shifting their money beliefs. 

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13 Bible Verses To Transform Your Money Story