Unveiling the Truth: Prosperity Gospel vs. The Bible – Empowering Christian Women Entrepreneurs

No more playing small, Christian female business owners! If you’re sick and tired of being fed false promises from the prosperity gospel, brace yourself as we lay out some key principles of the prosperity gospel next to Biblical truth.
If you ever found yourself held back by negative beliefs surrounding wealth and success…
The kind of beliefs that make you feel guilty or fearful of pursuing financial abundance because you don’t want anything to do with a prosperity gospel, then this is the video for you!
Unlocking Your Impact + Generosity: Overcoming 3 Barriers As Christian Female Entrepreneur

There are 3 things getting in the way of your legacy of impact and generosity!
If you’re serious about creating a flourishing business and a legacy of impact and generosity, listen up!
There are three big barriers that keep Christian Female Entrepreneurs from creating a flourishing business and a legacy of impact and generosity.
5 Essential Strategies To Build a Profitable Business: Lessons From The Proverbs 31 Woman

Trying to measure up to the Proverbs 31 woman can be incredibly frustrating, but here’s what most people aren’t talking about.
Proverbs 31 woman is a confident, successful and prosperous business woman who has a massive legacy of impact and generosity within her entire community!
Isn’t that the type of business owner you desire to be?
#1 Reason Christian Women Struggle with Becoming Wealthy (not what you think)
Do you feel like there’s something buried inside telling that you SHOULDN’T make “too much” money… and you don’t even know what that number is?
95% of the women I coach, being judged by family and friends for becoming wealthy is the #1 money fear that is keeping them from going all out in their business with the calling from God to impact multitudes and being extravagantly generous.
In this video, I’ll share some common messages we hear about wealth from our parents and the Christian community as a whole.
7 Ways To Honor God With Your Wealth

This is for the Christian business woman whose greatest desire is to honor God with her wealth and not feel guilty for being blessed when others aren’t.
What Does The Bible Say About Rich People?
What does the Bible say about rich people? Are all rich people evil?
Many of us have been told that rich people are evil and if you become wealthy as a Christian you’ll turn into someone evil.
But is that really true?
Does God Want You To Be Rich As A Business Owner?
Does God want you to be rich, especially as a business owner? If you’ve ever wondered that you’re not alone, 317,000,000 other people on Google have wondered that as well. Many Christian women have come to me questioning if God really does wants them to be rich, wrestling with what they’ve told that being rich […]