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5 powerful business trends women need to be ready for in 2023

Did you know that 849 new women-owned businesses are started every day? That’s 309,885 new businesses that will be created in 2023 alone! 

I’ve got some interesting business trends to share with you and then I’ll give you my top 5 predictions women of faith in business need to pay attention to in 2023. 

I found this interesting article on INCFile that shared some statistics about women in business. 

The ones that stood out to me are:

  • 42% all businesses in US owned by women
  • 849 new women owned businesses each day
  • 69% of women in business are between 58-42
  • Minority women especially are starting up businesses in massive numbers, growing 163% since 2007.

The top three motivations for women starting their own businesses

  1. Pursuing their passion
  2. Gaining financial independence
  3. Increasing their flexibility 

I’m going to add one more, a big motivation is to make the world a better place, help those who are hurting and have an impact on a lot of people. 

We’re on the edge of a couple major shifts in the landscape of the business marketplace as women take their rightful place. 

Secondly According to this article on CNBC, 75 million baby boomers are retiring by 2030 which has been coined the great retirement.

As a result of this great retirement there is also going to be $68 trillion in assets that they will transfer to their children and/or in the sale of their businesses, which has been called The Great Wealth Transfer. 

This is a massive amount of money that is going to change hands over the next decade. 

Not to mention how many new businesses are created or bought by women. 

This article on Forbes shares how Baby boomers own 40% of small businesses including service-based businesses, restaurants, auto shops, plumbing businesses, local retail stores, hardware repair companies,

Codie Sanchez is one of the voices that is encouraging people to buy these existing businesses, mainly because the children of these baby boomers don’t want to run these businesses and they will just close up when they retire. 

I’ve followed her for quite a while and my eyes have been opened up to a world of possibilities. 

After building my own business and the challenges that have come with that, the idea of buying a business from someone who has already done the work to build up a solid customer base and profitable revenue sounds really appealing. 

My predictions

More and more women, especially minority women are going to start businesses and/or buy businesses from those retiring because they deeply desire to serve others – they see needs that aren’t being met – 

I see a huge movement of Christian women going into the marketplace and this is just going to continue to expand.

As these women become business owners, they will be stepping powerfully into their calling which allows them to pursue their passion, find fulfillment and  joy through serving multitudes others

I also see women buying boring, yet profitable businesses from retiring baby boomers, bringing fresh new insights on marketing and technology to skyrocket the profitability and serve many more clients with excellence. 

Women would do really well buying these service businesses and transform the face of businesses that the fabric of society runs on.

Women are going to Wisely Manage More money than ever before

As a result, women are going to wisely manage and steward more money than ever from their own businesses as well as what they receive from The Great Wealth Transfer. 

They will MODEL what it looks like to have a greater impact on entire communities reflecting God’s goodness and restoration. 

They will show how you can be godly and wealthy, living a life that reflects what it looks like to have a fruitful prosperous life with God. 

With all this money they will 

  • Pump more money into the economy
  • Create more jobs
  • Have a rise generosity and greater impact on entire communities – real social issues being solved – hunger, trafficking education
  • Help out family, friends, give more to charitable causes in community than male counterparts
  • Entire societies will benefit greatly
  • Become leaders in their community
Women are going to start creating investment groups/venture capital for other female business owners.

They understand the value of what a woman-owned business will bring to the entire community in the form of jobs, revenue created, and legacy generosity. 

Plus they don’t want other women who are stepping into the marketplace to have to struggle with getting funding to start her business or experience receiving less funding compared to men.

Female entrepreneurs are rising up into leadership roles within the community and want to cultivate a culture within the marketplace of collaboration not competition.  These women want others to win as well! There’s plenty to go around for everyone. 

All of this is great news, but, it’s also a reminder that you need to have a healthy Biblical relationship with money so that you are well prepared for the rapid business growth and billions in revenue you, along side other female entrepreneurs, are going to experience in the next few years. 

When you do receive your portion of the great wealth transfer, either from acquiring businesses or inheriting assets, you want to be well equipped with Biblical strategies to understand God’s key to money and the purpose for money so you can model a godly perspective about money for your kids even if you didn’t grow up with a healthy perspective about money 

  • To know what the Bible says about the two kinds of wealth and how you can become more Christ-like the wealthier you become, so that you can steward it and manage the wealth wisely doing incredible good and benefiting your entire community. 
  • Experience the beautiful nature of business as God designed, to partner with Him to serve others, make the world a better place and bring kingdom restoration to one client at a time. How business is truly loving and serving your neighbor. 

The best way I’ve found to shift your money beliefs into CONFIDENCE is by applying what the Bible says about money, wealth, and business. 

And that’s why I created the Becoming a Legacy Builder Method just for women like you

Becoming a Legacy Builder is the #1 Money Mindset Coaching Program For Ambitious Christian Female Entrepreneurs that not only shows you exactly how to use Biblical principles to make peace with money so you gain complete confidence in your business, but empowers you to serve multitudes of grateful clients with excellence and cultivate a legacy of generosity in ways that reflect God’s goodness. 

You need to get past these money blocks – you know you NEED more money to make more IMPACT, but you don’t want anything to do with manifesting money or the prosperity gospel because it doesn’t sit right with your faith, rather you want to understand God’s key to money and honor God with your wealth. 

The Fastest And Most Thorough Way To Partner With God To Serve Others And Make The World A Better Place IS Through Your Business

So what that means is inside Becoming a Legacy Builder, you get Scripture based coaching on money, wealth and business, a proven 3% Money Shift Framework to make peace with money, plus guidance on how to cultivate godly wealth + legacy that reflects God’s goodness. 

My mission is to gather and serve a community of 100,000 Christian Female Entrepreneurs by empowering them to shift their money mindset inline with the Word of God, so that collectively we can serve 1 billion people and generate $10 Billion in legacy generosity by 2032.

Becoming a Legacy Builder is completely different, it’s so different because you get the power of Scripture, the Holy Spirit and encouraging, authentic, money mindset coaching to guide you step-by-step so that you can quickly shift your money beliefs 3% at a time.

Join the Becoming a Legacy Builder program today!  

It’s not about being greedy and selfish because you want more money, when others don’t have as much. 

Becoming a Legacy Builder shows you how to use Scripture to make 3% shifts in your beliefs about yourself, money and business so that you can consistently serve + impact more clients so you can generate more revenue and cultivate godly wealth as a result. 

This godly wealth allows you to impact your family and be extremely generous as you impact your community bringing light into the darkness in ways that reflect God and bring Him glory! 

Inside Becoming a Legacy Builder, you’ll Discover the ‘Missing Piece’ from other mindset work, the Powerful Benefit of Scripture Based Money Mindset Coaching so that you can understand God’s key to money, make peace with money and get powerful mindset breakthroughs quickly that will allow you to get rid of all the old money fear, shame or guilt that you’ve struggled with for decades. 

Does that sound like what you need to be prepared for the Great Wealth Transfer and the Rapid expansion of your businesses?  

Come join Becoming a Legacy Builder!  

Ready To Know God's Key To Money?

Discover the ‘Missing Piece’ from other money mindset work, the Powerful Benefit of Scripture Based Money Mindset Coaching so that you can understand God’s key to money, make peace with money and get powerful mindset breakthroughs quickly that will allow you to get rid of all the old money fear, shame or guilt that you’ve struggled with for decades. 

What this means is you will have the step-by-step Holy-Spirit led support to guide you in making 3% shifts in your beliefs about money, wealth and business so that you begin to multiply your legacy and impact in ways that reflect God’s goodness and generosity within a couple of weeks! 

You deserve to have a massive legacy that impacts multitudes and reflects God’s generosity, and if you’re tired of struggling with the old money fear, shame and guilt or being crushed under the weight of other people’s judgment + criticism about you, your business, and the way you manage money.

Becoming a Legacy Builder Method is designed with encouraging, supportive and authentic coaching that empowers you with proven Biblical tools and strategies so that you can overcome every obstacle and immediately implement what you learn into shifting your mindset. 

When you’re ready to shorten the time it takes to shift your money beliefs, there are a couple ways I can serve you. 

The first option is inside my Becoming a Legacy Builder program, which is the #1 Scripture-based Money Mindset Coaching program for ambitious Christian female entrepreneurs. This will equip you with complete confidence around money and business so you can serve multitudes of grateful clients and create a massive legacy of generosity in ways that reflect God’s goodness! 

The second way is with VIP Money Mindset 1:1 Coaching. This is a great option for you if you want to be truly known by your coach and get a custom plan with personalized guidance on the step-by-step process to shift your money beliefs.  

Becoming a Legacy Builder Method is designed with encouraging, supportive and authentic coaching that empower you with proven Biblical tools and strategies so that you can overcome every obstacle and immediately implement what you learn into shifting your mindset. 

1 Quick tip to embracing abundance in your business even if you don’t feel worthy

Want to have your programs and services sell out within a couple of hours and so much revenue in your business you feel like you’re swimming in money?

But most importantly, do you want to be able to receive all this abundance with the excitement of a three-year old opening up a mound of birthday presents?

If you’ve ever felt unworthy as a Christian woman to receive abundance in your business, you’re not alone.

I’m going to share one quick tip to help you knock down unworthiness like a pesky fly and receive abundance with grace.

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The Easiest Way to Shift Your Mindset Around Money and Abundance as a Christian Female Entrepreneur

Want to shift your money mindset out of scarcity and into abundance quickly?

But want to do it in a way that is based on Biblical truth?

Then you’re in the right place!

I’m going to show you the easiest way that you can shift your mindset around money and abundance without any woo woo manifesting.

This is a powerful and highly effective method, it works almost instantly, but so many Christian female entrepreneurs don’t know about it.

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Unveiling the Truth: Prosperity Gospel vs. The Bible – Empowering Christian Women Entrepreneurs

No more playing small, Christian female business owners! If you’re sick and tired of being fed false promises from the prosperity gospel, brace yourself as we lay out some key principles of the prosperity gospel next to Biblical truth.

If you ever found yourself held back by negative beliefs surrounding wealth and success…

The kind of beliefs that make you feel guilty or fearful of pursuing financial abundance because you don’t want anything to do with a prosperity gospel, then this is the video for you!

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The Legacy of Impact: Building a Flourishing Business with Generosity

Do you have problems with building a flourishing business + a legacy of impact and generosity? Well I’ve found the perfect solution.
You’re definitely not the problem and once you identify the problem, follow a simple framework… which I’ll walk you through in today’s video.

It’s super easy to get past the barriers keeping you from creating that legacy of impact through a flourishing business.

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Charissa Quade

Charissa Quade

I equip Ambitious Christian Female Entrepreneurs to create prosperous lives, serve multitudes of grateful clients and create a massive legacy that reflects God's goodness, all by partnering with the Word of God and shifting their money beliefs.

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hi! I'm Charissa!

I equip Ambitious Christian Female Entrepreneurs to create prosperous lives, serve multitudes of grateful clients and create a massive legacy that reflects God’s goodness, all by partnering with the Word of God and shifting their money beliefs. 

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13 Bible Verses To Transform Your Money Story